Brother Sun

While it is impossible to tell how many ‘new age’ groups may have contained actual wytches, The Fellowship of the Natural Order are a fine example of confirmed blending of traditional pagan practices and nature-worship with wytch magic. Founder Gareth Slocombe, known as ‘Brother Sun', has been praised for his significant conservation efforts. After the international travel ban was lifted, he and his partner Karin Svensdotter (Sister Moon) travelled the world as wytch ambassadors, learning the traditions of other nations and strengthening international bonds in the wytch community. These bonds were of great use to him when his revolutionary plans to use magic for environmental improvements were introduced. Scientists agree that their efforts to set up and sustain large-scale global enchantments to purify air and refreeze icecaps were a major victory in the battle against climate change, aided by the efforts of the Green Party government who took office during this period.

Brother Sun was known to be fascinated with spirits, summoning a range of different types, particularly the ‘’more intelligent familiar ones, and questioning them about the spirit plane. As one of the foremost experts on spirits by the end of his life, there are those who wonder if he may have found a way there that quiet day in November when he disappeared - all that is known for certain is that no body was ever found.

From ‘Cults of the Twenty-First Century’