Cor Tewdws: Everyone has their Time

“With the return of Cor Tewdws, the revival of Bedivere and Marischal, and the construction of Fullington University, students for Cor Tewdws were almost always of one mind: to learn Chronomancy. A great many passed under the scrutiny of Professor Richard Yddraenenwen (assuming the surname in reference to the woman who had helped raise him, who herself came to study) including Richard Chandler, Annabell Lincoln, Susie Phillips, Derek Smythe and countless others. The college grew, but under careful supervision for while there were many who wanted to push Protection further and further, there was no desire from many to be stuck once again outside of time.

Students came, they learned, they moved on, and some stayed, and Richard grew older - assuming the affectionate nickname of Dickie - but eventually, as the legendary Professor Geraint Swyngyfareddwyr returned to Cor Tewdws for his retirement, he seemed to grow more and more weary until one day he held an assembly announcing his own immediate retirement. His decision was met kindly by his staff, and when a successor was found he tipped his hat one last time to the College before walking out into the woods nearby and disappearing.

Richard has not since been seen again.”

- excerpt from “Dro Ar ôl Tro, Hanes o Tewdws Cor”