Sam Weaver: Ever Silent, Always Listening

“Much to the surprise of his tutors, and despite their frequent complaints that he seemed to be spending more time 'gallivanting off to who-knows-where' than working on his course, Sam Weaver completed his degree with a respectable 2:1, showing that it is in fact possible to go on magical adventures while being a Computer Science student and not ruin your studies.

Still, with the Covens now drawing to a close, and the most pertinent of magical threats dealt with, Sam, like many Islanders, withdrew into seclusion, carving out his own life for himself. Little would be seen of him, except when, from time to time, some particular threat would rear its ugly head - and lo, oft would Sam be there to push it back, weaving his masterful illusory mists about himself and his allies as ever.

Other than those few appearances, no-one really knows how he spent the next few decades of his life. Rumour has it he spent a year retracing the steps of the successive hermits of Corryvreckan, now that the removal of Excalibur from the Whirlpool had rendered their lineage obsolete, and filled in many of the blank of their history.

In his later life, he came out of his seclusion partially, to lend his many years of gathered wisdom to the increasingly populous Islander communities. Along with Eilidh and those other Islanders who had entered adulthood on the cusp of the troubles of 2014, his experience and thoughts were highly respected, and his continued contributions to Islander society would live on for a long time to come.”

- excerpt from 'The Island Wytches - A Retrospective'