Costume Swap Shop

This is the Maleficarum Costume Swap Shop. Whilst costumes are by no means necessary to play your character at the Wytch Covens (and please don't feel pressured to buy one!), we find that dressing up is a lot of fun and can really help you get into the spirit of things. To that end, we have created this page to help both newbies and more experienced roleplayers find what they need to put the finishing touches to their character.

How This Works

When you have been set up with a Wiki User Account you will be able to edit this page. You may also upload files into the costume: namespace in the Media Manager, so that you can put a small picture next to your request so that people know what kind of thing you're after, or a picture of what you're willing to lend. Please keep these to a reasonable size so that the page does not become cluttered, though. If you need help with or experience problems in posting to this page, please contact the GMs and we will try to sort it out as soon as possible.

There are two sections below - costume wanted and costume available. In the first you may post requests for items you need, and in the second you may post a list of what you have available that you are willing to lend others.

Costume Wanted

Please place a description of what you would like to borrow in this section. If you need more than one, please group your requests together. Please also sign your username so potential lenders can contact you using the signature button in the edit toolbar. Make sure to label any e-mails you send about costumes as out of character (OOC).

  • Looking for a white (clerical) collar (e.g. will continue to use a folded up piece of paper in the likely event no-one has one — Cameron A, 28 Apr 2014
  • Looking for a fabulous dress for a certain NPC. Colour not important, length is :) — Tom L, 28 Apr 2014
  • Looking for a body-length (or close enough) cloak for an NPC. (I have a backup plan if this doesn't go through due to late notice, but any help is greatly appreciated) — James W, 28 Apr 2014

Costumes Available

Please place lists of what you have on offer to be borrowed in this section. If you have more than one, please group your items together. Please also sign your username (and any lending conditions) so that potential borrowers can contact you using the signature button in the edit toolbar. Make sure to label any e-mails you send about costumes as out of character (OOC).

  • If anyone wants custom jewelry made (for IC and OC reasons), you know where to find me - [Amelia G]
  • Short white / silver wig; long curly blonde wig. I can't actually remember where they came from - I think they fell off the back of previous OULES shows… — Freya G, 29 Apr 2014
  • A doctors screw driver, a black cloak with gold detailing (already with all the gms stash), and a cowbody hat and spurs-I know a bunch of oddball things, but I'm pretty sure you are all a bunch of oddball characters… —Kayla H, 30 Apr 2014
  • I might be able to find that clerical collar - let me check! :) -[Amelia G], 3 May 2014
  • One dark blue cloak, one beige with a purple set. Many assorted medieval dress-type things and tunics for someone about a women's size 14-16. Jen M


costume/shop.txt · Last modified: Sun 4 May 2014, 16:42:49 UTC by wendy_hawthorne
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