This is a (non-exhaustive) list of all the things one might use to create a potion to enchant a spirit into, mostly purchasable from all good magical suppliers or indeed found across the country. Waters, plants and animals taken from locations of magical note are also often usable as potion ingredients.
Eye of Newt
Wing of Bat
Toe of Frog
Adder's Fork
Blind Worm's sting
Owlet's Wing
Crushed Earwigs
Ash of Holly Tree
Dandelion Heads
Rose Thorns
Tail Hair of a White Horse
Claw of Bear
Hair of the Dog that bit you
Butterfly legs
Dragonfly wings
Tongue of Cat
Lizard tail
Fang of Grass-snake
Fur of Tabby Cat
Barn Owl's feather
Beak of Pigeon
Milk Two Weeks out of date
Honey of Somerset Bee
The first conker of the new year
Eye of Rat
Toad eggs
Older texts speak of bespoke potions to achieve certain effects, but these would come with their own bespoke list of things to acquire.